Today I am living the life I once dreamed of with my new husband, after my divorce.

Back in 2014 I was lost and confused. Once the fear of remaining the same became greater than my fear of change, I knew I had no choice but to walk into the unknown and leave behind a life and a Self that was familiar to me.

I no longer felt safe.

I was no longer comfortable.

Everything that I knew was gone.

I was unsteady. Shaky in my faith. 

I was searching for answers. Why was my life the way that it was? How did I end up like this? What do I need to see within?

Suddenly, I found myself on this beautiful, spiritual path that made me see all the pain and discomfort was part of a greater plan. And that’s when life completely changed for me.

I began to see I was being guided and I was right where I was supposed to be. My soul had an agenda. It had healing that needed to be done and lessons that needed to be learned.

I began to let go of pain, resentment, and anger. I began to forgive and let go to create new space. 

I began to embrace my new path and say good-bye to my past and all the “what-if’s” and "should have's". 

I began to feel free...

I finally saw that this was all actually happening FOR me and FOR my kids. I started to find joy all around me and gratitude in all that I did. I began to surrender to allow all that was good to come my way

I began to create a whole new me with a healed and free little little girl inside of me. An upgraded model if you will.

I no longer felt powerless. I didn’t fear the unknown anymore. Instead I embraced it.

I let go of worrying where I’d end up and instead began creating where I “ended up.”

I began to be happy alone instead of feeling lonely.

I accepted an apology I could never receive.

I just stopped trying to figure out how I ended up here and instead embraced the journey.

I stopped caring what other people thought.  I began to have faith in knowing Love was meant for me again and I was right where I was supposed to be. I became confident in who I was and where I was going and nobody could stop me!

I was on a mission

I began to truly LIVE MY LIFE

And this was all what led me into the beautiful marriage I am in today. 

You can do this too! This is not the end of your life. I promise you it is just the beginning of a beautiful new story that you get to rewrite for yourself, along with the Divine. 

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Meet Nicole Amaturo

Love & Relationship Coach

Nicole Amaturo is a wife and mom of 4. She left her first marriage that was "safe" in 2014 to set out on an "eat, pray, love" journey to create the love that she dreamt of with a partner that was her equal and she could grow with. A partnership where felt seen, valued, adored and heard. One where he was equally her best friend and favorite lover in one. In 2016 she found him and by 2019, they married. What she learned in the marriage since has allowed her to love in deeper devotion than she ever thought she could. She now shares all of her medicine with women all over the world to heal their relationships with love and create the love that they dream of.