H.E.R. - Heal, Embrace, & Reparent Your Inner Little Girl

This program is for the woman who wants to transform her story in love and relationships. She is ready and willing to clear it from the root of where her programming all began, through the eyes, wounds, and emotions of her inner little girl inside. 

Every single one of us view our reality through the eyes of the little girl within, until we allow ourselves to become aware and begin to change her story. 

Only from this place will we call in love and/or transform the love we already have, to feel seen, valued, heard, and adored. 

It is from this place that we create a love that allows us to feel safe and melt into the softer parts of ourselves as we no longer have to over-function and overcompensate by living in survival mode. 

It is from this place that creates an opening for you to go after your desires versus settling, holding onto resentment and anger & just getting through each day.

In this program, you will deeply heal as you become the parent to your little girl inside that she actually needed and never had. You will have major insights and epiphanies as to why you are dealing with certain patterns and emotions in love. 

You will finally allow yourself to feel safe to BE in this world as she truly is and allow another to love her the same. 


  • 7 transmission videos that include guided visualizations and meditations
  • an interactive workbook with thought provoking questions, as well as chapter by chapter information

Meet Nicole Amaturo

Love & Relationship Coach

Nicole Amaturo is a wife and mom of 4. She left her first marriage that was "safe" in 2014 to set out on an "eat, pray, love" journey to create the love that she dreamt of with a partner that was her equal and she could grow with. A partnership where felt seen, valued, adored and heard. One where he was equally her best friend and favorite lover in one. In 2016 she found him and by 2019, they married. What she learned in the marriage since has allowed her to love in deeper devotion than she ever thought she could. She now shares all of her medicine with women all over the world to heal their relationships with love and create the love that they dream of.