Manifest Love in 21

21 Days of Rituals to Manifest Your Next Perfect Partner

This program is for the woman who:

  • is sick and tired of dating all the wrong men 
  • is ready to bring in real love 
  • innately knows she has to love herself first
  • is ready to feel worthy of the love she desires 
  • is excited to open her heart up again to receive love 
  • is ready to stop making excuses and just start taking action 
  • is looking for a fun way to create space for her partner to come in
  • is excited to feel her next partner's energy begin to come in  
  • is willing to be ready to manifest her perfect partner

This program consists of 21 days of manifestation rituals and activities to create space to call in the love of your life! This program is extremely fun, powerful and potent. 

And it's all SELF-PACED! So you can begin whenever and you'll have it forever!!


  • E-Book with daily activities for attracting your perfect partner 
  • An "I Am Open to Receive Love" Meditation 
  • 5 Training Videos 

Meet Nicole Amaturo

Love & Relationship Coach

Nicole Amaturo is a wife and mom of 4. She left her first marriage that was "safe" in 2014 to set out on an "eat, pray, love" journey to create the love that she dreamt of with a partner that was her equal and she could grow with. A partnership where felt seen, valued, adored and heard. One where he was equally her best friend and favorite lover in one. In 2016 she found him and by 2019, they married. What she learned in the marriage since has allowed her to love in deeper devotion than she ever thought she could. She now shares all of her medicine with women all over the world to heal their relationships with love and create the love that they dream of.